IT Struggles? Managed IT
Can Help

Solve Your IT Headaches and Unlock Your Business’s True Potential


As a business grows, the complexity of managing technology increases. Struggling with outdated systems and constant tech issues? Discover how Managed IT can eliminate these headaches and support business expansion seamlessly.

What is IT?

Imagine information technology, or IT, as the nervous system of your business. Just like nerves connect different parts of your body and help it function, IT connects your computers, smartphones, servers, applications, data and other tech tools to ensure everything works smoothly and securely. It’s like having a digital highway where data travels, protected by security measures like a gated community. Whether sending emails, storing customer information, or keeping your business safe from digital threats, IT is behind it all, ensuring your business can grow and face the future confidently.

What is Managed IT?

In the early days of a growing business, IT often falls into the hands of the most tech-savvy person on the team. They’re the go-to for everything from setting up email accounts to troubleshooting computer issues. However, as the business expands and its technology needs become more complex, this ad-hoc approach no longer cuts it. Companies reach a crossroads: build an internal IT department or partner with a Managed IT provider. Managed IT offers a scalable, expert solution that covers all tech bases—maintenance, security, support, and guidance—without the overhead of an in-house team. It’s a strategic move to ensure your technology empowers your growth, handled by specialists who make your IT their primary focus.

Signs You Need a Managed IT Partner

Reflecting on your business’s growth, it’s crucial to know when to transition to a Managed IT partner. Recognizing the signs ensures your technology infrastructure meets current demands and supports future growth.



Minor IT issues have become a significant disruption, consuming valuable time and resources.


Overwhelmed Staff

Your “IT person” is the office administrator or tech-savvy employee, and they can’t keep up anymore.


Security Concerns

The digital landscape is evolving, and so are its threats. If worries about data security are on the rise, it’s time for expert intervention.


Scaling Hurdles

The business is ready to grow, but the IT setup isn’t. If technology limitations are holding you back, a Managed IT partner can tailor solutions to scale with the business.


Desire to Focus

You and your team must concentrate on what you do best, leaving IT management to the specialists.

The Value of Managed IT Partner

Embracing a Managed IT partnership means more than just outsourcing technical support; it’s about gaining a strategic ally focused on enhancing operational efficiency, security, and innovation. This collaboration offers expertise on demand, comprehensive cybersecurity measures, and tailored technology solutions that grow with your business. A Managed IT partner not only alleviates the burden of day-to-day IT management but also provides insights and strategies to leverage technology for business growth, ensuring you can focus on your core objectives with peace of mind.

Ready FOR Managed IT?

Discover Third Octet’s unique advantages and why we’re the trusted partner for businesses aiming for growth, security, and efficiency.

Questions we get asked…

What are our hours of support?

Our standard support hours are from 8 am to 6 pm Eastern Time, during which we handle routine requests. However, our customer systems are monitored around the clock to ensure the smooth operation of IT infrastructures and services. Further, and to avoid interruptions, we coordinate changes to the infrastructure during non-business hours. This ensures that the systems are maintained and updated efficiently without affecting the normal functioning of your IT services during business hours. 

Do we provide onsite support?

We provide onsite support, and the need for it is determined by various factors, including triage of requests and the Customer’s general interests, wants, and desires. Certain technology challenges, such as technology installs, physical troubleshooting, and related issues, do require an onsite presence. Additionally, periodic, and scheduled visits provide an opportunity for your staff to ask us questions about issues they have experienced and for us to gain a better understanding of their needs. 

 Physical presence also plays an essential role in keeping a pulse of the business and employee culture and providing real-time feedback to improve our relationships with customers and their staff. This helps us ensure that we deliver on what our customers want and need. Furthermore, other matters, such as Technology Business Reviews, benefit from onsite interaction as they allow executive-led meetings to drive mutual business growth and alignment. 

What services do we offer?

Workplace Suite is a collection of services offered by Third Octet to help businesses create and manage a modern, productive workplace environment. 

What services do we not offer?

We believe our services are holistic and applicable to most SMBs in today’s Canadian landscape and stick with the packages we’ve curated. However, we are flexible to an extent, and look to develop lasting and mutually beneficial business relationships. With that said, while our packages tend to be our recommended approach, we are accommodating to the needs of the business and will work with you to understand your business objectives and mirror to technology strategy. 

Is there flexibility in the services we offer?

Third Octet provides core packages to support SMB organizations, with flexibility achieved through add-ons. The core packages are designed to support most SMB organizations and provide consistent support across customers. However, offering too much flexibility can increase costs for all customers and reduce consistency in support. Third Octet believes in being cost-effective and aligning organizations with forward focused and innovative execution venues, such as Microsoft. 

Do we offer procurement and managed services?

Yes, we offer procurement and managed services to all customers. We provide procurement of most goods and have a curated catalogue specific to each Customer, which includes what they recommend and require. We also offer managed services, which are delivered through our proven process and are charged based on various factors such as onboarding fee, base monthly fee, per user fee, and add-ons. 

Do we assist with IT budgeting and high-level/strategic IT direction?

Our assistance with IT budgeting and high-level/strategic IT direction is done through a combination of our TBRs (Technology Business Reviews), monthly cadence meetings, and technology portfolio. During the TBRs, we work closely with the Customer to understand their current technology landscape, identify areas for improvement and recommend solutions that align with the Customer’s overall business objectives and budget. Our monthly cadence meetings provide a forum for ongoing communication and to keep the Customer updated on the latest technology trends and best practices. Additionally, our technology portfolio gives customers a comprehensive overview of the products and services we offer, helping them make informed decisions about their IT investments and ensure that they are aligned with their overall business goals. By combining these resources, we aim to help our customers make informed decisions about their IT budget and plan their technology roadmap to align with their high-level strategic goals. 

What is our experience in managing remote, hybrid, and onsite teams?

We have a wealth of experience in managing remote, hybrid, and onsite teams. When the company was founded in 2007, our focus was exclusively on delivering remote workforce solutions through remote enabling technology, such as Citrix. Over the past 16 years, we have honed our skills and expertise in this area, becoming leading experts in North America for remote workforce solutions. 

 We believe that work is not a place, and our experience and success in leading, managing, and supporting remote, hybrid, and onsite teams for our own company and numerous well-known brands in Canada, big and small, is a testament to this philosophy. Our team is equipped to support teams no matter where they are located, ensuring seamless productivity and collaboration.