Institution provides simple, secure access to resources students need to learn and thrive wherever they happen to be Care of Business Wire; August 31, 2021 Just like work today, education is happening everywhere. To support this new model, the University of...
You needn’t readily recall what “VPN” stands for to know the pain that VPN connectivity (or lack thereof) can cause. The Oxford dictionary neatly sums up a VPN as: “An arrangement whereby a secure, apparently private network is achieved using encryption over a public...
Mitigating cybercrime with managed IT services You don’t have to be an experienced technology buyer or IT specialist to notice that cybersecurity incidents and IT security concerns are on the rise—both in number and severity. A huge ransomware attack on Miami-based...
By CYNTHIA MACNEIL – Contributor Switching to a digital workspace might help your business sidestep the chip shortage and extend asset life. As you may have heard, we’re experiencing a worldwide computer chip shortage. The scarcity of semiconductors is disrupting...
By CYNTHIA MACNEIL – contributor. A Workspace that Adapts with the Business. As we ready ourselves for post-pandemic life, business leaders worldwide are examining which tools will best support the new normal for their teams. Whether your company embraces a...