Standing out from the crowd. Again. Since our company was founded in 2007, we’ve always strived to be the best at our capabilities. Rarely did we entertain a new vendor relationship unless we were certain we could master the solutions at hand. ...
Your chance to assess your IT environment for free. The world is a hotspot for malicious actors, ransomware and threats. At Third Octet, we accept our responsibility to make the world a safer place. Together with our customers we are turning the tide in the cyber war...
Why technology needs to be at the center of the employee experience Does anyone not want productive and happy employees? Of course not. A work culture that focuses not just what employees do, but how, when, and where work gets done, creates a positive employee...
You can’t afford to jeopardize your company with subpar security solutions. According to a Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report, 58% of data breaches take place at small businesses, so it’s safe to say that small businesses are especially vulnerable to...
Learn how to use Microsoft Azure for video captioning. Accessibility is important. In our continued pursuit to understand Microsoft Azure, it’s capabilities, and what additional business value it can provide, particularly in the non-traditional...