Gain end-to-end Citrix visibility to sustain and improve user experience with ControlUp

Written by Matthew Metelsky

May 27, 2020

Does this sound familiar?

A ticket is assigned to you: Citrix is slow. You gasp and check all the tools – Citrix Director, Citrix Studio, PVS, StoreFront, ADC, network – but all looks good. End result, there is nothing conclusive that would suggest to you why Citrix is slow. Unfortunately, as Citrix administrators, we’re not equipped with the necessary tools and capabilities to truly understand and identify the user experience challenges we face in our Citrix platforms. You can change that.

On May 27th, Third Octet and ControlUp will show you how you can regain the confidence in identifying and expediting root cause analysis and remediation of issues that impact Citrix user experience in a true end-to-end perspective.  In this informative and demonstration format webinar, you’ll hear from:

  • Matthew Metelsky, CEO of Third Octet, on Third Octet’s unique approach to leveraging technology to achieve work-life balance; and
  • Marcel Calef and Joel Stocker, Sales Engineers for ControlUp, on how ControlUp can deliver true end-to-end visibility to sustain and improve end user experience.

Available On-Demand

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