Microsoft 365. Secure your business. Drive success.

Written by Matthew Metelsky

November 20, 2020

You can’t afford to jeopardize your company with subpar security solutions.

According to a Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report, 58% of data breaches take place at small businesses, so it’s safe to say that small businesses are especially vulnerable to cyberattacks. You can’t risk losing the trust of your clients and employees. Now, you can secure your business from the inside out with industry-leading security technology designed to work with the productivity tools your employees already know how to use.

Stop worrying about the security of your data.

Small businesses that use Microsoft 365 can defend against cyberthreats by checking links at time of click to combat advanced phishing; detecting malware with sandbox analysis of e-mail attachments; enabling anti-phishing policies that leverage machine learning; and enabling advanced multi-factor authentication.   While the features are enterprise-class, they certainly do not come at enterprise cost.  Defending against cyberthreats is possible in small business and with financial flexibility to keep cash flow in top shape.  That’s Work. Life. Balance.

The average cost of a data breach can be astounding, not to mention the lost opportunity and reputational impacts.  Business managers can’t risk losing time and money due to security threats that impact the productivity of projects and services.  Small businesses can protect business data by encrypting sensitive e-mails; blocking sharing of sensitive information such as credit card numbers; restricting copying and saving of business information; and enabling unlimited cloud archiving.  Best part, the security is baked within the platforms users already use and is transparent, keeping employees productive and working without being stalled by security concerns.  Now, when you’re confident that your sensitive data is secure, you can put your valuable time and energy into developing and refining your core business initiatives and your team can stay focused on customer demand, product lifecycles, and innovation.  That’s Work. Life. Balance.

And we get it (we’re a small business, too).  It’s difficult for small IT teams to keep up with constantly evolving threats.  As a matter of fact, the vast majority of small businesses lack the skills in-house to deal with security issues.  Microsoft 365 changes this dynamic, allowing you to manage devices by controlling which devices and users can access business information; applying security policies to protect data across any device type, including iOS and Android; keeping company data within approved applications on mobile devices; and removing business data from lost or stolen devices or on employee-owned devices who leave the organization.  Stop losing sleep over security concerns and have a good night sleep.  That’s Work. Life. Balance.

At Third Octet, we can help you get started and quickly.  Engage with our experts to:

  • Identify and understand your current health and risks
  • Gain insights into remote working vulnerabilities
  • Align IT and Microsoft 365 (and Azure) security with business objectives
  • Develop joint action plan for security improvements with expert recommendations
  • Prevent deployment of point solutions
  • Work towards compliance and a good night’s sleep

Best part, our assessments can be complimentary.  How’s that for an investment?

Where do I sign?

Don’t wait for disaster to strike. Contact us today to adopt a Microsoft technology-based security solution you can rely on.

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