Beyond Citrix Experts: Experts in Resources
Apps, Desktops, and Data, oh my. Our continuation of Beyond Citrix Experts dives into the area of resources – from Windows 10, Citrix ADC, to Office 365. Read along.
Beyond Citrix Experts: Experts in Control
Continuing on our thread of Citrix expertise, here we’ll be looking at control, which is no longer isolated within a single data center, or single cloud, but extended outwards in many directions.
Beyond Citrix Experts: Experts in Hardware
Here we discuss how our diversity in platforms has provided us with a wealth of both experience and expertise to design and tailor solutions with – and without – Citrix.
Moving to Microsoft Office 365? Make the most of it.
Stressed about the move to Office 365? You're not alone. In fact, while Microsoft estimates that almost 90 percent of enterprises already own licenses, organizations across industries are finding that the deployment of cloud apps tests even the most adept IT teams—not...
Beyond Citrix Experts
In the first excerpt of our new blog, Beyond Citrix Experts, we start the discussion of how our expertise in Citrix and the layers that encompass its design and deployment demonstrate our expertise in so much more beyond Citrix.
Mining gold in the cloud
These days, the technology landscape is strikingly similar to the California Gold Rush of the mid 1800s. Emerging technologies like AI, analytics, and hybrid and multi-cloud computing hold amazing promise for those that can “mine” it effectively and use it for company benefit.
The Future of Work Requires the Modern Workplace
Most offices are still designed for linear work and don’t enable accessible workflow, activities and behaviours required for design thinking and agile methodologies. Steelcase and Microsoft have been working together since 2017 to explore how a thoughtfully designed ecosystem of places and devices can support the new ways teams and individuals are working.
Watch Webinar: Solutions to Create More High Value Work
In case you missed it, we are pleased to offer this co-presented On-Demand Webinar – Solutions to Create More High Value Work: The Future of Work Webinar. Watch it here!
Telco Use Cases with IGEL
This case outlines how Third Octet and IGEL helped 2 telecommunications companies migrate their call centers to Windows 10 and adopt IGEL operating systems for a cost effective and secure alternative to deliver the applications and data to their agents, significantly decreasing end point management costs by $1,200 per user.
Ontario Regional Hospital Use Case with IGEL
Read about how Third Octet, along with IGEL, implemented virtualization technology at this Ontario Regional Hospital to deliver windows desktop and converted all of the existing desktops and notebooks to IGEL operating systems. A solution that eliminated the need for hardware refresh or replacement budget.